ArrheniusOne is an innovative state-of-the-art microwave generator and applicator for continuous-flow, microwaveassisted organic synthesis (CF-MAOS) in drug development.
Combining continuous flow with microwave heating can significantly reduce total process times during the development of pharmaceutical compounds. The rapid, uniform heating provided by the ArrheniusOne delivers 10 to 1000 times faster reaction rates within minutes. Continuous flow allows more compound to be produced safely while consuming less energy and producing less waste. Reaction conditions are quickly optimised, thereby eliminating the need for re-optimisation during scale-up and so saving time downstream.
Developed by microwave technology specialist WaveCraft of Sweden and marketed jointly by Uniqsis and WaveCraft, the ArrheniusOne is designed to operate with two- or four-channel FlowSyn continuous flow reactor systems from Uniqsis. The two products combine to offer a unique solution for rapid optimisation and scale-up of compound production to dramatically increase productivity and efficiency, while reducing energy consumption and environmental impact.
Typical CF-MAOS applications include catalysed styrene synthesis, catalysed Suzuki−Miyaura coupling, Fischer indole synthesis, Claisen rearrangement and many others.
微波功率:0~150W 變頻輸出
控制部分:工作站 (電腦另配)