作者:邢存章; 高菲; 呂海亮; 譚明臣;
關鍵詞:燃燒法; 超細粉體; 鋁酸鋅;
機構: 山東輕工業(yè)學院化學工程學院; 山東輕工業(yè)學院化學工程學院 山東濟南; 山東濟南;
摘要: 以醋酸鋅、硝酸鋁、硝酸銨和尿素作為反應原料,采用低溫燃燒合成技術(LCS)制備了鋁酸鋅微粉,并通過掃描電鏡和激光粒度測試儀對所得產(chǎn)物的晶形、粒度及其分布進行了表征。結果表明采用低溫燃燒合成技術在500℃即可制備鋁酸鹽(ZnAl2O4)納米粉體。 Superfine ZnAl2O4 powder was prepared from Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O,Al(NO3)3·9H2O,NH4NO3 and CO(NH2)2 by the combustion method.The optimal procedure parameters were selected by adjusting different ratios of reactants and combustion temperature.The configuration structure and particle size distribution of the sample were characterized by scanning electron microscope and particle size analyzer.Results showed that superfine nano-ZnAl2O4 powder can be obtained by the combustion at 500℃.
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