作者:段國榮; 楊緒杰; 陸路德; 汪信;
關鍵詞:表面改性; 氧化鈰; 納米; 分散; 硬脂酸;
機構: 南京理工大學化工學院材料化學研究室; 南京理工大學化工學院材料化學研究室 江蘇南京210094南京水利科學研究院瑞迪高新技術公司; 江蘇南京;
摘要: 為提高納米氧化鈰粉體在高聚物中的分散性能,以廉價的硬脂酸和實驗室自制的分散液,對超微氧化鈰粉體進行表面改性.FT-IR及DTA實驗表明超微氧化鈰粉體表面包裹了一層表面改性劑分子;TEM及SEM照片均表明改性后的超微氧化鈰粉體在低表面能的高聚物中具有良好的分散性. The superfine powders of CeO2 were modified using cheap stearic acid and dispersion-liquid made by our laboratory,to improve their dispersibility in polypropylene(PP).FT-IR and DTA results showed that superfine CeO2 particle was coated by stearic acid.SEM and TEM investigated the dispersion properties,the results indicated that this technology could improve the dispersibility of CeO2 in PP.
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