作者:王勁; 郭天德;
關鍵詞:管式多級分級機; 分級; 中藥; 超細粉體;
機構: 西安理工大學機械與精密儀器工程學院; 西安理工大學機械與精密儀器工程學院 陜西西安; 陜西西安;
摘要: 中藥超細粉體分級問題是制約機械法制備中藥超細粉體技術發(fā)展的關鍵之一。本文中介紹了中藥超細粉體的制備方法,說明了GM系列超細振動磨機在中藥超細粉體生產(chǎn)中的生產(chǎn)工藝,分析了超細粉體分級技術的原理及其在中藥超細粉體生產(chǎn)中的應用,針對超細粉體分級存在的問題,設計了適用于中藥超細粉體分級的管式多級分級機。 The Chinese traditional medicine superfine grading is one of key technology in the production of the Chinese traditional medicine powder. The production method of the Chinese traditional medicine powder and the major production process of GM superfine vibration grinding milling series was introduced. The principle and using method of the superfine grading machinery was discussed. According to the question of superfine grading machinery,the tube multi-grade superfine grading machinery was analysed,which was ...
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